Web Site Resrcs

Program Directors and Commission Staff: Have questions about our software? In addition to our trainings, we have decided to offer weekly webinars with the help desk. This will be an open group forum to bring any specific help desk questions you have.  The next session is Thursday, June 20, at 12:00 CST. Register Here


Login to OnCorps Reports

OnCorps Reports
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2021-2022 Montana Fish and Wildlife


Site Supervisor Username:


Unable to log in? Be sure to double check the program year and program you are logging into.
Forgot your password?
Enter your e-mail address below and your login name and password will be e-mailed to you.  It may end up in your spam folder, so check there as well.



Customer Support and Trainings

To schedule a demo or custom training, or to access existing webinars and videos, please contact our support desk via a help ticket, or email us if you do not have an OnCorps account.

Upcoming Webinars



New Program Directors/Staff Training: Grantee Progress Reports

Wednesday June 19, 2024 12:00 PM CST 

Register here

This webinar will cover the submitting the Grantee Progress Report (GPR) at the Program Director user level, and reviewing and approving or unlocking the GPR at the Staff level. This training will also cover how to view and export aggregate data reports.

Copy Program Records Tutorial

Wednesday June 26, 2024 12:00 PM CST  

Register here

In this webinar, learn how to utilize the Copy Program Records tool, which permits Program Directors (as well as Staff) to copy records from the current program year into the upcoming program year. The tool allows PD's to re-assign returning members and supervisors to new service sites, if needed, allowing for much better member and site management.

GPR/Financials Set Up for State Commission Staff

Wednesday July 24, 2024 12:00 PM CST 

Register here

This webinar will cover the OnCorps GPR (Grantee Progress Report) Setup feature. This feature allows State Staff to configure the GPR their programs submit. Staff can select which GPR sections and questions specific programs need to report on. Staff can also write custom instructions for each GPR section, set reporting periods, and create due dates and notifications. This training will also include set up instructions for financial pages.